Work Friendships – Holacracy at Bell

We spend more time in our lives with co-workers than with our own family and friends. Realising this, we proactively encourage friendships and bonds of relationships forged and built within our own office. There have been numerous beautiful friendships built, and even love marriages arranged, right from within our staff. Not just to share happiness, but to have shoulders to cry on, when things don’t always go according to what we expect.
Office Politics is such a terrible plague that haunts most workplaces. In Bell, we are very different. We actively work to ensure that rivalry of any kind never exists within our teams. In a proactive compensation, we follow Holacracy – a management style that very few Indian companies have. For many years, our teams have operated without heads- giving more autonomy to teams and individuals. With clear job descriptions, roles and responsibilities – everyone in our company with its flat hierarchy, has the opportunity to change the organisation with their individual, smart decision making.
At Bell, work is more than just a transactional environment. We have a socially nourishing culture- built daily, word-by-word with our own proprietary Social Network- extremely unusual for an Indian company, and truly world class. Our continuously evolving organisation structure helps people actively rise up, or mellow down, in accordance with their cycles of personal life. Nothing but an amazing Human Resource mindset can help achieve this. Humans in Bell are never really treated as Resources, but as partners to our success.