Outdoor Garden meetings

We are a hybrid team that thrives on change. While we aim at professionalism in all that we say and do, we are equally excited about breaking every status quo. Our corporate style “boardroom discussions” have now moved out to the garden, where our team discusses daily projects in the midst of birdsong and flowing fountains. What a welcome change from being stuck in four walls, and entertaining minds that tend to wander out to the open. This Re-Wilding of our inner spirits has created a phenomenal change in the pattern of how we think and work. We encourage every other team stuck in meeting room ruts, to have the guts to move out. We did, and it has been a great step forward.
A state-of-the-art Digital Press, along with an extensive line of Apple devices make our Design Studio truly exclusive. Our efficient and skilled team of designers lead by a New Product Development Head develop products using the latest versions of all contemporary designing software. We have systematically developed customized and proprietary standards for every customer’s individual requirements. No matter how complex or how simple a job is, our customers can always be assured of excellent results of working with our Design Team. Our typical design jobs include Professional Packaging and rebranding. New Product Development is an ongoing daily activity at Bell, and we invite you to experience our development processes firsthand!